A Web Browser port of the original Yume Nikki with multiplayer feautures, also has fangames and for some reason one shot.
A software website free of ads and malware, contains everything from music studios, blender mods, to also games (If on a school laptop the dowloads will only work if Admin allows the extracting and opening of applications.)
A Browser port (Or remake im not sure) of the Lain PS2 game based on the anime Serial Experiments Lain. Also contains Lain Bootleg however dowload is required.
A fake windows 95 emulator, no this isnt a virus but it does contain funny little fake ones and also for some reason a porn bookmark on cat explorer (ew.)
Self explanatory, rom hacks don't work by the way unless you install some weird program to add the romhack into it, also you need to dowload your own roms it doesnt come with any.
Also self explanatory, works with wifi (Only works with Google!)
Basically MS Paint in windows 95/98 or idk any 90s computer in general.
Incase your unfunny and still stuck in 2010 this is for you.
An actual windows 95 emulator, i dont really know how to use it.
A proxy, sometimes doesnt work for websites such as reddit (Which you shouldnt use anyway asshole.)
A website with ALOT of rom hacks, id defintely use this along with the Emulator, ive tried running earthbound and it works perfectly! It even has rom hacks, i just dont know how to use them.
For some reason this isnt blocked on my school laptop? If this is blocked on yours dont be surprised my schools probably just either slow or retarded, Also watch Evangelion(Edit: The website got blocked on my school laptop
Do you feel clinically insane and potentially a harm to yourself and others? Take this test and find out what it means!
P.S these are mine
If you existed in the 2010s you've probably seen this before (If on a school laptop, the useless web does not have a certain 100% chance of not being blocked, chances are it is blocked however there is a chance it isnt.)
Contains things such as google music lab (Not everything is unblocked, chances are alot of these websites will be blocked with a occasional good non blocked ones, the website itself on the link MOST likely isnt blocked though.)
Idk what this website really does, it has fake update screens for every popular OS and a a complete color page thing (i dont know why this is neccesary but ya
Self explanatory, (P.S i saw it hit the corner once suckers!)
Incase you have something to say that you dont wanna tell to anyone else.
Net art is rarely ever appreciated or payed attention to, mainly for their dark and gruesome tone or their weird and questionable meaning which is hard to understand, well this website showcases plenty of them. (P.S check out Mouchette)
Incase that name doesnt already sound interesting, Celestia is a 3D program allowing you to see space in real time and also the past! The difference between this and google earth is that you can't see Saturn on Google earth OBVIOUSLY dumbass.
Another proxy, by the way when you search things up press the bottom purple link called "See in Anonymous View."
self explanatory, to use copy and paste everything on this page (Shortcut is ctrl + a) and then go to blooket, press f12 or right click and on the small menu scroll downa and press inspect, after that, on the top bar there should be a row of things, on of them should be highlited blue called elements, next to elements is console, press console, on console paste the entire blooket hack, press enter, then exit out, and boom! There should be a menu.
For you lazy assholes out there
Sort of a proxy, sort of an emulator? Its so post to emulate Iphones & Androids but its pretty laggy.
Pretty self explanatory, (P.S Play [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [afj] [afj] [afj] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh] because of funny dead 2010 meme.)
If your a loser and you wanna feel cool use this website so you feel like your in the matrix (Assuming you arent...right?)
Sheet music Maker for free!
Sound management thingy idk, if you make a sound the balls bounce so ya.
Self explanatory, great for spamming people and annoying them.
A website to view houses with serial killers and weird backstories!
Similar to house creep, this shows every recent homocide on the entire earth.
They all look like they suck but whatever
Did your friend send you a death threat in morse code in january 4th 2016 or do you wanna send them one back? Use this thingy to translate or make morse code.
I actually have no idea how to use this, it looks really cool but i am NOT smart enough to do whatever the hell this is.
A Ai generated series of random rock paper scissor shoot events, by the way dont use cat against a cheronobyl, ever.
A knock off sans bossfight, personally the original bad time simulator got banned for me so this is all i have, and it kinda sucks, all in all just use the proxy and search up bad time simulator.
You mightve seen this around before, basically its a huge canvas of pixels, all of which were bought, its sold out now but this website is forever stuck in history.
Self explanatory also
You've probably seen this before, its a music maker using random sound effects. (This isnt the original website rather a alt one, however sometimes the original website isnt blocked.
A pixel art thingy for making sprites, unfortunately i suck at pixel art
A series of random games, also this is where the sans link from earlier came from, also it has Undyne Fight.
Ever seen one of those weird illusion videos on youtube that makes you realize that your either really narssisistic or a really nice person? Well this website is full of a bunch of them, and also alot of illusions that make you temporarily scitzophrenic.
some random website with a couple of mini games and for some reason a cutesy search emoji?
Custom wheel thing idk
Basically just golf but on a guy named steve (Not the steve from minecraft or the weird lookin jack black steve.)
The REAL school of sociopaths and nerdy mass murderers.
in additon to the image above, buy stuff from a pervert cuz his game is cool
i seriously dont know why this isnt blocked but iykyk
confess your sins to literally nobody! Or a random guy whos secretly reading these and probably have seen the most diabolical things written.
its japanese btw
a alt version cuz the original got blocked for me
be a cavemen in the modern age of the 21st century with this game
idk a 3d game where u ride snow
a game where you like click a thingy and make money for research, basically just cookie clicker but for smart people, or people who wanna feel smart.
a website made to use all of the worst things in a website to teach you not to use them
i dont really know how to use this but its worth learning how to use if your bored (Btw this is the game engine for DDLC and Class of '09) also if on a school laptop will only work if opening of program files is allowed.
some weird thingy where if you click you draw
google easter eggs page
Cringy name but good website
Weird fluidity simulation
random unblocked stuff
Same as above
Also the same as the two above
a website similarity searcher good 4 finding random stuff or small websites.
this is NOT freaky, this is literal pornhub execpt corn, no weird freaky people who need to get a life